my family tree

Download free My Family Tree

My Family Tree featured a simple and intuitive graphical user interface that made it easy to enter and view various details for different family members. Free genealogy software allowed us to view details in a variety of formats depending on the details we wanted to focus on.

Download free My Family Tree

We could easily start creating a family tree from scratch or import existing data in GEDCOM format. The program allowed us to include different details about the family members we added, such as their relationships, genetics, stories, pictures, audio, video, and other general attachments.

We may add even more information in the ‘Details’ section, including names, description, dates of birth and death where applicable, date of confirmation, nationality, education, title and social security number, among others.

My Family Tree

The software allowed us to specify more details in certain parts. For example, we could specify different types of relationships such as former or current spouse and natural, adoptive or adoptive child. There was a ‘No relationship’ option where we could add people as witnesses or friends.

We could add photos from different sources, including scanners, and then perform basic editing functions like rotate and change to sepia.

My family tree gave us different configuration options. For example, we could show only immediate family members, those born after a certain date, or all generations. We could also show just the story about a particular family member. Other options allowed us to hide family members like siblings, ancestors, and descendants, as well as details like dates, genders, and images.

The statistics function allowed us to obtain detailed information about family members. When considering marriage alone, for example, we could see the number of marriages, the ages at first marriage, and the years of marriage. The statistics window had several tabs showing different interesting data and graphs. The Summary tab allowed us to see at a glance the respective numbers of different details, such as the number of people, generations, and total recorded events.

My family tree included different tools. For example, the Relationship Calculator allowed us to determine the relationship between two family members, and we were able to swap the results to determine how they related to each other.

We may save our data in PDF or image format. Alternatively, we could print them in the form of a large multi-page mosaic graphic.


My Family Tree is a free, intuitive and versatile genealogy software that allows you to include many details. It includes an encryption feature that allows you to keep your data private.

System requirements Family Tree

  • Windows XP or newer operating system
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or higher
  • At least 10 MB of free hard disk space
  • At least 512 MB of RAM
  • Screen resolution of at least 800 x 600

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